Privacy Policy

This page describes how to manage the site with reference to the processing of personal data of users who consult it.

The personal data that the customer communicates by browsing this website (hereinafter the "Site") will be treated with correctness and transparency for lawful purposes and protecting his privacy and his rights in compliance with the community legislation on the protection of personal data ( EU Reg. 2016/679).
This document does not include the treatments carried out on other websites that may be consulted by the user through links on the Site.
The treatments will be carried out with the following purposes and methods:
1. Data Controller.
Pursuant to the aforementioned legislation, the Data Controller is SAROBIDY di Lucio Meggiato who can be contacted at the email address:
2. Object of the Treatment.
The Data Controller will process the personal data communicated by you by filling in the forms found in the "Login" area of ​​the site (username, email address) and in the "Cart/Checkout" area (name, surname, address, e-mail, telephone and/or mobile phone, data necessary for payment) solely for the purposes indicated in this statement.
3. Purpose of the treatment.
The purposes of the processing generally pursued by the Data Controller can be summarized as follows:
a) to allow the Customer to send messages to the Site Owner;
b) to allow the Customer to purchase a product;
c) prior specific and distinct consent of the Customer to stay informed of the activities carried out by the Site Owner by subscribing to the newsletter;
4. Categories of personal data processed.
The data processed will be those, described in point 1, strictly necessary for the purposes requested and/or authorized.
5. Recipients or any categories of recipients of personal data.
Your data will be made accessible to:
employees and/or collaborators of the owner;
Accounting firm of the Data Controller (billing data: name, surname, address and tax code);
company that manages electronic payment (Pay Pal);
company that will take care of the delivery of the goods purchased;
Your data will not be disclosed and will be treated with organizational and logical methods related to the purposes specified above.
6. Data Transfer.
The management and storage of personal data will take place on servers located within the EU of the Data Controller and/or of third-party companies in charge and no transfer of the same will be made outside the territory of the European Union.
7. Storage period.
The Data Controller will keep the personal data provided for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes described above and in particular:
– the name, surname and e-mail entered in the forms in the "Login" and "Cart/Checkout" areas will only be used to follow up on any messages sent by the Customer and will be canceled once the correspondence has been completed;
– subject to specific and distinct consent from the Customer to receive our informative newsletter, only the email address will be kept for a maximum period of 24 months to allow us to keep the Customer updated on our new initiatives;
– the data communicated when purchasing the products (name, surname, address, tax code, telephone and/or mobile phone, data necessary for payment) will be stored with the following timing:
a) the telephone number and mobile phone number will be kept until the delivery of the purchased products to allow the carrier to agree with the customer delivery times and methods;
b) tax data (name, surname, address and tax code) will be kept for 10 years as required by law;
8. Rights of the interested party.
As an interested party, the candidate has the following rights:

– right to access your personal data (once you have received confirmation that your data is being processed by the owner);
– right to obtain the rectification and integration of personal data;
– right to obtain the cancellation of your data;
– right to obtain the limitation of the processing of personal data in the presence of certain conditions;
– right to receive the personal data provided to the owner in a structured and commonly used format, and to transmit them to a different owner;
– right to object to the processing of personal data if there are reasons related to your personal situation;
– right not to be subjected to an automated decision-making process;
– right to obtain communication in the event that one's data suffer a serious violation;
– right to revoke consent to processing at any time;
– right to lodge a complaint with a Supervisory Authority.
The customer may exercise the aforementioned rights by sending a communication to the Data Controller to the addresses referred to in the previous art. 1).
9. Nature of providing data and consequences of refusing to answer.
The communication of data (name, surname, address, tax code, email address, telephone and/or mobile phone, payment data) for the purposes indicated above is necessary and mandatory; in the absence of the aforementioned data, in fact, we will not be able to provide the Customer with the services described in point 3b). The consent given to the retention of the e-mail address for the period of 24 months for the sending of the periodic newsletter is instead optional. The Customer can therefore decide not to give this consent or to revoke the consent given, in the manner referred to in point 8, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the revocation.
SAROBIDY by Meggiato Lucio
via Ticino 21
30034 Oriago di Mira VE
phone: .+39 389 6674143